A few other interesting shrubs and trees.

This picture came from a Dungeness garden that I have worked on for some decade or so. The hydrangea is pink as there are so many middens of shells from the native inhabitants. Both plants are in a decline due to the Eucalyptus not shown just to the right. Trees like that can suck water from more than their height throughout the garden. This tree is doing that. Both of these shrubs are now toast.

Cotinus coggyria purpurea

Purple Smoketree.

Deep purple leaves which hold color throughout the summer. These seedlings have been selected to assure you of receiving plants with uniform, dark purple leaves.

Zones 5-8


Ginkgo biloba --Ducks foot tree

Ginkgo biloba brings back memories of my High School in Oakland. In the front entrance there were three trees, that must have been amongst the first planted in California.The tree trunk is erect and the branches form a dense crown when old. The bark is gray and very cracked. Leaves are fan-shaped and yellowish green. The Fall foliage was simply unforgettably GOLD. To this day I still remember sitting on golden cushions during lunch break.

This ancient tree has survived many extinctions and charms us with its unique fan (duckfoot-shaped leaves and butter-yellow to brilliant gold fall color. It is very tolerant of urban pollution and thus I suggest this tree merits greater use. It is for large gardens only! These are seedling grown and might be either male or female. However, one needs both genders to create fruit, so buying one or even two of these would give you a landscape minus fruit drop, which can be nasty. -- unless you luck out :-) I would guess that you would need at least three trees to get a potential fruit drop problem.

These plants are a vigorous three feet tall!

Zones 4-8

Another ode to Oakland Technical, being the gardener there. I would help him out every now and then and he would give me bulbs in exchange, as well as good company.



The dawn redwood is a deciduous conifer native to China. Thought to have been extinct for millions of years this plant was found growing in a few isolated sites in China in the 1940s. The dawn redwood is a very hardy upright growing tree. It is fast growing at 4 to 6 feet per year and makes for a good lumber tree as well. Plant a forest of them! I planted over a hundred Giant Sequoia on a forestation project here in Sequim, WA. They have really taken off, so will these.


Taxodium distichum
Bald Cypress

A wonderful timber tree valued for its wood decay resistance. This "southern" tree thrives from upstate New York to the high plains of Texas. It is a large tree but this conifer has warm yellow tones in autumn. Trouble free and easy to grow.

(C) 2009 Herb Senft

Chitalpa hybrid

Chitalpa X
Chitalpa tashentensis 'Pink Dawn'

This is a Russian hybrid of two American genera and are quite worthy shrubby trees. They bloom early and often, are water thrifty trees and fairly drought tolerant.

'Pink Dawn' has pink flowers. Both will grow to 25-30 ft. These plants are 12 " tall. Tree pot grown. Morning Cloud' is also available, but are larger trees -- 16"

Zones 6-9

Chitalpa X
Chitalpa tashentensis 'Morning Cloud.'

This is a Russian hybrid of two American genera and are quite worthy shrubby trees. They bloom early and often, are water thrifty trees and fairly drought tolerant.

'Morning Cloud' has white flowers with a yellow spot. These plants are 16 " tall. Tree pot grown. 'Pink Dawn' is also available, but are smaller trees -- 12" They will grow to some 25 feet, but can be kept smaller.

Zones 6-9

These summer blooming trees are in addition to Eucryhpia (none this year) and Fremontia are some of the most outstanding summer blooming trees we have in the Pacific Northwest. All need good drainage!

Bonsai plants or more.

Heptacodium miconioides -- a recent introduction from China.

This multi- stemmed tree bears distinctive small white flowers in the spring and red autumn flowers. The exfoliating bark make this and excellent bonsai possibility. Ot has all the ornamental features necessary to be a prized, useful, and well accepted landscape plant. This large shrub or small tree performs at a time when most other plants are at their worst. It is another summer bloomer creamy white, fragrant flowers. In autumn the flowers are replaced by an autumn show of cherry red. There is no fall color but the bark is interesting in its own right .

Zones 5-8

The plants are smaller. About 8"

Buxus microphylla 'Kingsville'
Compact Boxwood

This dwarf Japanese boxwood is a low-growing, compact shrub that rarely gets more than 3 feet tall. Leaves are a light green, elliptical to lance shaped, and usually 1/4 to 1 inch long. It is usually used as an edging, low hedge, accent, or rock garden plant. This species and most of its cultivars are heat tolerant. This form also known as 'compacta' only grows about 1 foot tall and usually spreads as much as it grows high. With fertilizing, the foliage is a dense green. In the winter they loose their color.

The plants I am selling are three yr. old plants only a few inches tall. They are superb bonsai starts!


Podocarpus nivalis -. Mountain Totara. This is a N.Z. Native and willl grow in almost any soil and situation It is one of the few hardy Podocarpus. It grows like a prostrate Irish Yew. Low growing and moundaging. It is an ideal choice for Bonsai or for the large rock garden. It has berries, but as these were cuttings off a solitare, I have no idea if is a male form or female. It has never set fruit in twenty years. . With protection it is hardy to Zone 7.

The plants I am selling are three yr. old plants only a few inches tall. They are superb bonsai starts!


Acer pseudosieboldianum -- Korean Maple

Acer pseudosieboldianum
Korean Maple

The outstanding features of this small Asiatic maple are its extreme cold-hardiness and brilliant yellow, red and orange fall color. Not injured by wintertime lows down to -40 F a full 20F colder than the limit of Japanese maples. This is a great alternative to Japanese Maples in Bonsai. I have two and they are simply magnificent!

Origin northeast China

Zones 3-8


Grows to about 20' or more
Fall color: Mostly red
Light requirements: some shade to full sun
Cold hardy to zone 3-8

Acer circinatum - Vine Maple

Plant Name : Acer circinatum

Acer circinatum
Vine Maple

A Pacific Northwest native, the smaller Vine Maple heralds the arrival of autumn and its colors light up the forest. Easy to grow, in either clump or specimen form. It lends itself as a pleasing accent to larger conifers in a border planting and requires almost no care. The usual height is in the ten foot range and the almost circular seven or nine=lobed leaves turn red and orange in autumn. It is much more drought hardy than the Japanese Maple.

Zones 5-8

Fremontia californicum hybrid.

Fremontia X hybrid -- California Flannel Bush **

GOLD!!! Bee-loved plant. Our driveway curved around our house and then climbed a hill. If you can visualize this. I am looking at a hill from our living room. I planted these guys, then placed dark purple ceanothus bushes between, adding red Grevillia 'Aromas' as the ground-cover. Not only was it breathtaking, my bees were in seventh heaven. From my deck to the plants it was only a couple of hundred feet.

So excited were they by my new additions they put on their running shoes. I should also add that I lined the road to the house with high pruned Albizzia trees. You came through colorful tunnel to get to the house.